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A Primer About CBD Hemp Oil And Erectile Dysfunction

Cannabidiol CBD

Erectile dysfunction is a condition affecting many men, and most find talking about it embarrassing. It can be due to multiple underlying causes, and most treatments focus on finding the causes to mitigate this condition. Conventionally, physicians use pharmaceutical medicines, and their effectiveness depends on the age and underlying health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. Besides, people also try alternate medicines, and one such option is CBD oil derived from the hemp plant, and its benefits make it useful to treat this condition. Read ahead to know more about CBD hemp oil and erectile dysfunction.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where men experience flagging libido, unable to maintain, or cannot get an erection. It is experienced to some degree by half of the men between the ages of 40 and 70, and it is usually resolved by taking erectile dysfunction drugs. Viagra is one of the more well-known drugs used for this condition. If this condition persists for more than three to six months, then you must seek medical attention.

What Are The Causes For Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused due to physical or mental issues, and some of the possible causes for it are given below.

Apart from these, issues with the endocrine system, i.e. the network of glands and hormones secreted by them also cause erectile dysfunction. Bear in mind that, testosterone the male hormone secreted by the testes is part of this system.

You are at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction if you are a smoker as it affects cardiovascular health. This reduces blood flow in general, including to the penile region. Diabetes has a similar effect because it is a disease that damages blood vessels and nerves and thereby affects blood flow and other homeostatic functions. If you are someone who consumes antihistamines and painkillers regularly for medical conditions, you are at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, most obese men suffer from this condition to some degree, and ironically it is one of the reasons they decide to reduce or manage weight.

Why Use Cannabidiol (CBD) For Erectile Dysfunction?

One of the most used drugs for erectile dysfunction is Viagra because it increases the blood flow to the penile region. However, it has side effects like stomach cramps, back pain, nasal congestion, headache, change in vision, and redness of the skin. CBD is useful for mitigating this condition as it is effective for treating the underlying physical and mental causes. Cannabidiol is not psychotropic, and it is useful for reducing anxiety and stress because of its anxiolytic effect.

Apart from this, due to its positive effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), it improves cardiovascular health and thereby increases blood flow. The other way it accomplishes this is due to its vasodilatory effect. Above all, it has no side effects, and this makes it a better option than conventional medicines used for treating this condition.

How To Choose CBD Oil For Erectile Dysfunction?

The effectiveness of CBD oil depends on the type of hemp plant extract used for making it. There are mainly three types of hemp plant extracts, and they are explained in detail below.


Full-spectrum CBD oil contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids and other compounds like terpenes and flavonoids naturally found in the hemp plant. Due to this, it has the extra benefit of the entourage effect, i.e. the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids work synergistically to enhance the individual effect of each compound. This enhances the therapeutic and medical effects of the oil. improving its effect profile. Hence, it is chosen by cannabidiol consumers for medical purposes. However, keep in mind that it contains trace amounts of psychotropic THC, around 0.3% or less.


Broad-spectrum CBD oil is like full-spectrum CBD oil, but it is processed further to remove the trace amounts of THC that is naturally found in the hemp plant. Due to this, its entourage effect is less than that of full-spectrum CBD oils. Also, some cannabidiol users claim that its anxiety-reducing effect is less. However, it is useful for those who do not want to get tested positive in a drug screening test.


CBD isolate is 99% pure cannabidiol, and it is highly potent. It is a highly refined product that is free of other cannabinoids; so, it does not have the entourage effect. This makes its effects profile poor compared to that of full-spectrum CBD oils. Oils are made by blending CBD isolate with carrier oils like MCT or refined coconut. This is because natural cannabidiol (CBD) is an oil-soluble compound, and mixing it with lipid or fat-rich solvents increases its bioavailability.

On a final note, the effectiveness of CBD oil for erectile dysfunction depends on the dosage. The optimal dosage varies from person to person, and you must find this so that you get maximum benefits from using it.