Stress Relief CBD Oil

CBD Dosing: Getting The Right Amount

CBD Therapy

In recent years, with CBD jumping into the scene, the therapeutic landscape has been transformed for the better, owing to the innovative and non-intoxicating products that the CBD industry is able to churn out time and again. To such an extent, public perception has changed, that CBD has become the centerpiece in national conversations regarding cannabis and its subsidiaries.

With science and research making headway, the question is not about what the medical value and benefits of CBD are, but more aimed towards the best ways to get the therapeutic value that users want based on their situation and lifestyle.

Cannabidiol Dosage

There is no particular chart or a reference with which we can optimize therapeutic CBD usage, ask your doctor and even they may hesitate for the lack of credible data and evidence that links dosage and therapeutic effect.

It is different for different people: some may take just a small amount and that may be an incredibly high dose for them. Some others may take a considerably higher dosage, even as high as 2000mg, and not feel a thing or any adverse effects.

To add to the confusion and enigma behind CBD dosage, the CBD market has several products that come in a variety of potencies and the production of these CBD products has yet to be standardized. There no set ground rules and safety protocols that are yet to be put in place. This complicates the issue of dosing and further acts as a health risk for uneducated consumers who fall into the trap of these “fly under the radar” CBD suppliers.

So what is the best way to proceed with everything being all over the map?

Micro-Dosing: The Secret To Finding That Sweet Spot

There is generally a perception, that the more there is the better. People take larger than needed dosage for herbal extracts in the hope of experiencing stronger benefits, but one couldn’t be more wrong.

When it comes to CBD, less really is more.

Ultra-low doses that are taken in short intervals of time can help in accentuating the effects during CBD therapy, optimizing it, and making it richer to experience. This is not restricted to CBD therapy alone, even if you are consuming medical marijuana then you can manage the psychoactivity better if your dose low and slow, especially if it is the therapeutic effects that you are trying to achieve.

On A Tight Rope

CBD does not intoxicate or cause a high like in the case of THC. As a matter of fact, one can weaken and control the high depending on how much of each compound is present in the product. The lesser the THC, or lower the THC to CBD ratio, the lower is the high and higher is therapeutic effects.

Go Low, Go Slow

If you are a beginner and are finding your footing around CBD goods and products, or even if you are a seasoned veteran that has seen the thick and thin of CBD therapy, then going by the age-old adage “ Start low and go slow” is something that will do you good.

Allowing your body to adapt and enrich itself in CBD is the first step to making the dosing effective. The rule of thumb would be to go ahead with 2.5 mg of CBD in a sitting. You can have this a few hours before you sleep, or if you are starting off the day. Continue this trend for 2 days and slowly increase the dose by 2.5 mg during the next sitting. Continue to do this until the desired effects are achieved.

Once you begin to get satisfactory results, then you can continue at that dosage. There is a chance that over time your body may start to build tolerance, and you may have to increase the dosage ever so slightly. But CBD is a natural, herbal medication that you cannot be addicted to like coffee, you can drop using it all together without experiencing any withdrawals.

Increasing The Potency

There are patients who are unable to benefit from lower dosages and gain from higher doses. If a higher dose is necessary, then it would be wise to increase the potency of CBD products altogether. This means that there is more CBD per unit weight of the product, and this helps in better management- you will be able to experience greater effects with lower doses.

The time of the day also factors into getting better effects. For this, you must first understand the benefits that you are looking for. If you want better mood and anxiety control, then taking it during the morning when your day starts would be great; if you are looking to get sound sleep and not wake up groggily the next morning, then taking CBD during the evenings a few hours from sleeping would suit your need.

When you factor it all in, you will find the perfect dosage that will work wonders for you!