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Difference Between Cannabis CBD And Hemp CBD

As we all know, CBD is one of the most trending medicinal supplements available in the market. It is used by so many people for the treatment of different conditions like anxiety, depression, pain, etc. We all might know that CBD is an element present in the cannabis plant but the CBD that is available in the market is derived from the hemp plant. Even though both of them are the same substances, there is some difference between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD and these are as follows.

Presence Of THC

The presence of an element called Tetrahydro Cannabinoid is something that differentiates hemp-derived and cannabis-derived CBD at the base level. Cannabis or marijuana is a potential drug because it has the capability to make the user feel high. This is the reason for the world to consider it as a schedule I drug. The psychoactive effect of cannabis is occurred due to the presence of a large proportion of THC. If CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, it will have about 20 to 30 percent THC and will offer the user a psychotropic effect.

On the other hand, the proportion of THC in the hemp plant is very low, that is a fully matured hemp plant will have only a maximum of 0.30 percent THC. Thus it can be removed during the extraction process. However, some CBD products like full-spectrum CBD will have some traces of THC, but the small proportion is not capable of making the user feel high.

Legal Status

As mentioned earlier in this article, only CBD derived from the hemp plant is available in the open market. This is due to the strict rules and regulations implied by the countries where the sale and usage of CBD are legal. For Example, in the case of the United States of America, the farm bill of 2018 made CBD legal. However, the same act has specified that only the hemp plant which is having a maximum of 0.30 percent THC should be cultivated for the process of making CBD.

Cannabis or marijuana is considered illegal in most places. This is because of its mind-altering effects. The cannabis plant is also a good source of CBD but due to the presence of a large quantity of THC, the manufacturers are restricted to produce CBD products. Even though it is considered a Schedule I drug, in some countries like the USA, it is used for medicinal purposes under strict rules and regulations.

Benefits And Uses

Both CBD derived from the hemp plant and the cannabis plant will give the user almost the same benefits. However, there are some qualities of these products that make them different. The cannabis-derived CBD is more effective in the treatment of nerve damages. From the ancient age, cannabis was used for curing marijuana. The same effect can be derived from the cannabis CBD due to the unique composition of this substance. It can also be used for the treatment of insomnia.

The main advantage of using hemp-derived CBD is that it will make people more active and energetic. Thus it can be used for controlling depression and anxiety. The hemp CBD is also commonly used in cosmetics and skincare products because of its anti-oxidation properties. This substance is also efficient in providing essential nutrients like omega fatty acid and protein. However, the CBD derived from the hemp plant can also be used for the treatment of conditions like chronic pain and epilepsy.

Safety Concerns

CBD has become so much popular among people not only because it has so many medicinal qualities but also because it will not cause any harm to the user. It is evident that the hemp-derived CBD is a storehouse of so many proteins and minerals. Thus it will keep the user healthy. Since there is no trace of THC, hemp CBD will not lead to an addiction.

The case is different when it comes to cannabis CBD. This product is also effective in providing essential nutrients to the user but there are some ill effects on using the same. The main problem with cannabis CBD is the presence of THC. It will make the user feel dizzy or high and continuous usage will lead to an addiction. It will also lead to form alterations in the brain chemistry of the user.

Basis Of Difference Cannabis CBD Hemp CBD
Presence of THC 20 to 30 percent 0.30 percent
Legal Status Illegal Legal
Benefits And Uses Neurological treatment Treatment of pain, inflammation, etc.
Safety Concerns Addictive Non-Addictive

It is necessary to understand that both CBD derived from the cannabis plant and the hemp plant is the same but the other elements present in those compounds are making them different.