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CBD Vs Melatonin: Which Is The Right Option For Sleep?

CBD For Sleep

Melatonin supplements have been in use for many years for promoting sleep in people. They can help to deal with various sleep disorders like insomnia. A lot of people are using various melatonin supplements for getting sleep at night.

But now people are debating between melatonin and CBD as a solution for sleep disorders. Cannabidiol (CBD) is now being recognized as a natural solution for sleep. This cannabinoid exhibits impressive medicinal properties that allow it to cure a large number of illnesses that humans usually suffer from and these include sleep disorders too.

Both melatonin and CBD are now widely used for promoting sleep. But how to find the right choice for you? Read along to find out, as we analyze the benefits of both melatonin and CBD for sleep.

Melatonin Pros And Cons For Sleep

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by our body. The production of this hormone will increase during the night and it will be inhibited by light in the morning. The amount of melatonin in the body allows it to understand the sleep and wake times.

Those who are suffering from various sleep disorders can take melatonin supplements for promoting sleep. These supplements are different from your regular sleeping pills, as melatonin will not make you asleep immediately.

Melatonin is safe for regular use for a short period. Also, the chance of developing dependency is very low for melatonin.

But the use of melatonin can have some negative impacts too. It can result in some side effects like headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, etc.

Additionally, it can interact with certain medications like anticoagulants, contraceptive drugs, anticonvulsants, diabetic medications, immunosuppressants, etc.

Pros And Cons Of CBD For Sleep

CBD acts differently when compared to melatonin for promoting sleep. Using CBD for insomnia and other sleep disorders helps to control various health problems that interrupt your sleep. CBD can alleviate pain, anxiety, and stress which can lead to sleep disorders. Therefore, it will be possible to treat the causes of sleep disorders naturally with the help of CBD.

Consuming more CBD can also result in some problems. It can create drowsiness, diarrhea, dry mouth, etc. Also, this compound might interact with certain medications like antidepressants, heart medications, etc.

CBD and melatonin can promote sleep naturally. But they can result in some side effects and may also interact with certain medications. Therefore, you need to be careful while choosing the option for you.