Stress Relief CBD Oil

How Consuming Pure CBD Oil Influences Hormones?

Pure CBD Oil

CBD oil has become the first choice of treatment for many commonplace ailments among people due to the CBD health benefits. It is extracted from the hemp plant that has been used for its medicinal qualities in oriental medical practices like Chinese medicine. It imparts its benefits due to its positive effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a network of neurotransmitters and hormones spread throughout the body. The ECS is responsible for homeostasis and any deficiency in it causes ailments, consuming CBD oil helps in restoring the deficiency because the cannabinoids contained in it are similar to the endocannabinoids of the ECS.

How Does Pure CBD Oil Affect Hormones?

CBD’s positive effect on the ECS also affects the endocrine system i.e. the network of glands throughout the body that secretes hormones essential for the normal functioning of the body. They affect the growth, mood, behavior, sleep pattern, metabolism, and many other vital functions, any imbalance in their levels causes illness.

How Pure CBD Oil Helps To Restore Hormonal Balance?

The cannabidiol or CBD oil helps to tackle the underlying causes that result in hormonal imbalance. One such major factor is stress and CBD has got good stress-reducing quality due to it increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. Shared below are details of how it affects different hormones in the body.


Adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone cortisol that initiates stress response during stressful situations; the more stressed out you are, the more levels of cortisol and vice versa. So, prolonged exposure to stress causes lowered immune system response and makes you more susceptible to infections, causes digestive issues, weight gain, and other unwanted effects. Consuming pure CBD oil is useful due to its stress-reducing quality along with added benefits of better bowel movement, weight management, and improved immune system function due to the positive effect on the ECS.


Type 1 diabetes causes insulin deficiency and it is an autoimmune disease where the immune cells attack the pancreas causing its inflammation. Consuming CBD oil is useful because one of the major CBD health benefits is its anti-inflammatory effect which improves pancreatic function resulting in better insulin secretion. Having said that, you should bear in mind that it cannot cure the condition and hence you use it in conjunction with regular diabetic treatment to have a better outcome.


The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin that regulates the sleep-wake cycle or the circadian rhythm. Any imbalance in its levels causes sleep disorders like insomnia and most treatments focus on having better melatonin levels. Due to CBD’s indirect positive effect on the endocrine system, consuming pure CBD oil before bed ensures that you get good sleep.

These are some of the ways in which CBD health benefits from consuming CBD oil influence hormones of your body.