Stress Relief CBD Oil

How Much CBD Should I Take The First Time?

Cannabidiol CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) derived from the hemp plant is trending among health and fitness enthusiasts. Due to this, health and wellness product manufacturers are using it as an active ingredient in their formulations. They can be used for mitigating the symptoms of ailments and reducing inflammation, relieving pain, managing anxiety disorders, controlling nausea and vomiting, etc. Read on to know how much CBD to take the first time.

The Effects Of CBD And Its Dosage

CBD health benefits depend on the dosage of cannabidiol that you take. You must administer the ideal dosage for getting the maximum benefits, and this varies according to the physiology of the individual taking it. At normal doses, it can help with improving the quality of sleep, reduce anxiety and stress, etc. However, at extremely high doses, it can produce side effects like diarrhea, dry mouth, low blood pressure, nausea, etc. Due to these reasons, it is important to administer the right dosage of CBD.

How Much CBD Should I Take?

The most important rule when you take cannabidiol (CBD) is that you start low and go slow. This means you start with the minimum dosage recommended on the product label. Also, keep in mind that this varies according to your method of intake because the bioavailability of cannabidiol depends on the delivery method. For example, the bioavailability of CBD vapes is high, while it is low for edibles. This is because in the former case, cannabidiol quickly enters the bloodstream through the alveoli of the lungs, while in the latter case, it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestines. Due to this difference, compared to CBD vapes, you must take higher doses of CBD edibles to get a similar effect.

Apart from the delivery method, the dosage also depends on the type of cannabidiol (CBD). For example, compared to full-spectrum CBD, you need to take more CBD isolate to feel similar effects. This is because the former has the added advantage of the entourage effect.

Dosage Guidelines For CBD Isolate

Dosage Guidelines For Full-Spectrum CBD