Stress Relief CBD Oil

Effect Of Pure CBD Oil On Your Hormones

Pure CBD Oil

The therapeutic and medical effects of pure CBD oil are due to its influence on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of our body. CBD interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors of the ECS which are present in the central and peripheral nervous system. Because of this, it is assumed that cannabidiol impacts the endocrine system i.e. our body’s network of hormone-producing glands and thereby the hormones as well. The purpose of this primer is to give a better understanding of this topic, read on to know more.

Pure CBD Oil And Its Effect On The Endocrine System

As mentioned in the introduction, the endocrine system consists of hormones producing glands like the pancreas, pineal gland, testes, ovaries, thyroid, and hypothalamus. The hormones produced by them are released into the systemic circulatory system and affects the functions of various organs or organ systems and their biological processes. Some of the important bodily processes are metabolism, bowel movement, appetite, reproduction, growth, and development, mood, etc.CBD health benefits are due to its influence on the CB1 and CB2 receptors of ECS and it will have an influence on the processes mentioned above.

Shared below are details of how pure CBD oil affects some important hormones.

  • CBD Oil’s Effect On Cortisol: Cortisol is a stress response hormone released by the adrenal gland and its amount is directly proportional to the amount of stress you experience. Higher levels of this hormone results in allocating more resources to fight or flight responses, and less to other important functions like metabolism and immunity resulting in lower overall health. Due to cannabidiol’s stress-reducing effect, it reduces the cortisol level and promotes better health. Besides, this also encourages better sleep.
  • CBD Oil’s Effect On Insulin: Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas gland and it regulates the blood sugar level of the body. Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune cells attack the pancreas, damaging it resulting in its inflammation. Pure CBD oil is useful in treating this condition due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
  • CBD Oil’s Effect On Melatonin: Melatonin is the hormone produced and secreted by the pineal gland. It is this hormone that signals the body when it is time to sleep. Its production is directly impacted by the light falling on the retina. Consuming pure CBD oil before bed helps in the secretion of melatonin and thereby encourages better sleep.

Many of the popular CBD health benefits are because of their positive influence on the endocrine system and thereby the functioning of hormones secreted by them. So, you can use CBD oil as a complementary medicine if you have any diseases due to hormone deficiency.