Stress Relief CBD Oil

Using CBD as an Effective Remedy for Anxiety

CBD For Pain

Stress is a feeling that is triggered by a nervous or uncomfortable situation. Anxiety is usually a reaction to stress. Most of you feel stress or anxiety in day to day life. They are important for overcoming a challenging situation. You often feel nervous before an exam and you experience anxiety, which motivates you to study harder.

It will become difficult if both stress and anxiety start to interfere with our daily routine. It will cause some serious damage to our physical and mental health. Anxiety can be caused by a lot of external factors. Some of them are listed below.

  • Stress at workplace, school, or college.
  • Stress in personal relationships.
  • Stress due to financial struggles.
  • Stress from emotional trauma.
  • Stress from side effects of medications.
  • Stress due to chronic illness.

Chronic Stress and Anxiety Can Damage Your Health

Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is produced in our body for overcoming a stressful situation. But continuous production of cortical is not good for our health and it can cause serious damage to our body such as depression, heart disease, fatigue, obesity, migraines, digestive problems, weakened immune system, etc.

Potential Benefits of CBD for Anxiety

Many studies have proven the positive effects of CBD on various types of anxiety disorders. A study in 2014 found out that CBD has anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects on animals.

 National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) conducted experiments on rats to find out the effects of CBD on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). All the test subjects showed a decrease in heart rate, which indicates a reduction in their stress level.

CBD has positive effects on most of the core symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD like re-experiencing the traumatic event. When CBD is induced in the body, it activates the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system. This causes a ripple effect in the central nervous system like increasing pleasure and altering the memory process while CBD blocks the retrieval of the traumatizing memory.

Studies also found out that social anxiety disorder (SAD), panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder can also be treated with CBD. More studies are needed to find out the long term effects of CBD and how it can be used for the prolonged treatment of anxiety disorders.

Consult a Doctor before Using CBD for Anxiety

Do not try self-treatment if you have an anxiety disorder. Consult a doctor before taking CBD and he can help you to figure out the correct dosage for your treatment.

Many CBD products available in the market do not have enough CBD for replicating its actual therapeutic effects. So when you buy CBD products for your anxiety disorder make sure it is a quality product.