Stress Relief CBD Oil

Can CBD Work As A Stress Relief Option?

CBD For Stress

People consume cannabidiol for an array of conditions, including stress. Around 40 million people in the US have stress to some extent, so it is unsurprising why people are keen on natural substitutes for standard stress-busters. A potential natural alternative is CBD for stress. However, cannabidiol is such a new product that you are perhaps considering whether it possesses stress-busting effects. Does scientific evidence support the many different claims concerning cannabidiol’s anti-anxiety effects?

Can Cannabidiol Work As An Anxiety Treatment Option?

Several studies with placebo products confirm that phytocannabinoids such as cannabidiol positively impact anxiety. For example, Japanese students who consumed cannabidiol oil experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety as compared to those who consumed a placebo product. Further, researchers from Brazil discovered that cannabidiol positively impacts the mood of social anxiety disorder patients before they had to deliver public speeches.

Cannabinoids may impact anxiety symptoms, but no person is 100% sure about how cannabidiol tames the human brain. However, a popular notion is that cannabidiol increases the creation of serotonin and anandamide in the human body.

Serotonin and anandamide are two chemical substances that are associated with human mood regulation. When the human body is low in the two compounds, it is highly likely to impact mental health. Some studies indicate that depression and anxiety patients tend to have lower levels of serotonin. So, when cannabidiol could make the human body produce more serotonin and anandamide, it may offer those people a brain boost.

With Lower Inflammation Comes Less Aggravation

A different potential reason for cannabidiol’s soothing properties may be related to its effects on inflammation. Recent studies about mind-body medicine demonstrate an interconnection between physical health and mental health. It is understandable that when there is a pain in the body, you can find it challenging to be at peace.

The root cause of several pain conditions is inflammation. Cannabidiol seems to possess anti-inflammatory effects, so several doctors expect it to be useful in the form of an alternative to harsher treatments such as NSAIDs.

Can cannabidiol for stress work in a way that is comparable to NSAIDs? If so, it may positively impact mental and physical pain. A recent trial from the College of Korean Medicine indicates that ibuprofen can positively impact mood. Therefore, the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol may aid in dampening the symptoms related to anxiety.