Stress Relief CBD Oil

Everything You Need To Know Before Giving CBD Oil To Your Dog

Pure CBD Oil

Ever since the CBD became trending because of its infamous source and amazing therapeutic properties, animal lovers have been craving to give their pets a healthy dose of CBD. Although much research has not been done on the topic, people still have gone ahead with their instincts. But, dogs have more cannabinoid receptors than us in their brains, changing the situation slightly. Therefore, before you give your dog CBD products, why not learn about them in detail?

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is a hot topic everywhere. You will find that the internet is full of blog posts and information about CBD.  CBD is a therapeutic compound found in the cannabis and hemp plant that is being used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, etc. Typically, CBD is extracted from the stem, leaves, flowers, and stalk of the hemp plant, as it has a very less amount of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that makes a person high.

The extracted CBD is dissolved in coconut oil or hemp seed oil to give pure CBD oil. Pure natural CBD oils have lesser than 0.3% THC.

How Will Pure CBD Oil Affect Your Dog?

As said before, studies have not been conducted on how CBD oil affects dogs. But it is known that cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid receptors in the body, maintaining its natural balance.

How Will Your Dog Benefit From Having CBD?

There is anecdotal evidence regarding the benefits of using CBD. Daring and confident owners have tried giving their dogs CBD products and found them to be very effective. It was mainly used to treat neuropathic pain and seizures. Many have reported using it for its anti-inflammatory, cardiac benefits, and anti-anxiety properties.

What Are The Side Effects You Should Expect?

Below listed are the expected side effects based on how it affects humans:

Dry mouth- Research on humans has shown that the saliva produced decreases once CBD is used. Therefore, having CBD might make your dog thirsty.

Low blood pressure- The dose of CBD you consume is a crucial determinant of its effect. A high dose of CBD will, for a while, bring down their blood pressure. This will create a feeling of lightheadedness.

Drowsiness- CBD is used by dog owners to treat their anxiety. The calming effect induced by CBD is often misinterpreted as psychotic.