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Can You Use CBD For Managing Bell’s Palsy?

CBD For Bell’s Palsy

Every year, roughly 40,000 Americans are affected by Bell’s palsy. It’s a sort of paralysis that affects the face. Tumors, strokes, myasthenia gravis, and Lyme disease are just a few of the illnesses that might cause this symptom. Bell’s palsy, on the other hand, lacks an identifiable underlying pathology. As a result, it’s also known as idiopathic facial paralysis. The term “idiopathic” refers to a disorder that appears to have no known cause.

The facial nerve, commonly known as cranial nerve VII, is affected by this illness. The muscles in the face that control blinking, closing the eyelids, and smiling are controlled by this nerve. It also affects the production of tears and saliva, as well as taste.

This nerve swells when it becomes inflamed, putting pressure on the bone canal that connects it to the face. By limiting the delivery of blood and oxygen to nerve cells, this pressure might harm them. Recent studies are showing that CBD may help in managing the symptoms of Bell’s palsy.

CBD For Bell’s Palsy

It is important to note that there is no study that directly looked into the effects of CBD on treating Bell’s palsy. However, CBD is proven to be an effective natural remedy for many health issues. That means CBD may help in managing Bell’s palsy in some ways.

CBD interacts with a variety of physiological systems in the human body and the endocannabinoid system is one of them. Many elements of health and wellness, including immune function and inflammation, are thought to be regulated by the ECS. CBD appears to operate in part by increasing this element of the ECS, according to research.

CBD also affects cell receptors outside of the endocannabinoid system, such as the PPAR and TRP receptors. Both these receptors are essential for controlling the inflammatory reaction. CBD has significant anti-inflammatory effects because it activates these three different mechanisms. Because Bell’s palsy is caused by inflammation of the facial nerve, CBD may help. It may assist to relieve Bell’s palsy symptoms and recover more quickly by lowering edema.

Using CBD Oil For Bell’s Palsy

Even though there is no clinical evidence suggesting that CBD can alleviate Bell’s palsy, it does have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective qualities. As a result, it may be worthwhile to give it a shot. To limit the possibility of drug interactions, anyone taking prescription or over-the-counter medications can use topical CBD products.