Stress Relief CBD Oil

Can You Use CBD As An Appetite Suppressant?

CBD For Weight Loss

Cannabidiol (CBD) is now being used for controlling obesity and overweight in people because of its potential benefits in suppressing appetite. Studies suggest that this compound has the ability to suppress appetite thereby preventing overeating. Even though most of these studies were conducted on animals, anecdotal evidence suggests that this compound might create the same effects in humans. Hence, by taking CBD for weight loss, you can maintain a fit body.

Read along to know more about the appetite suppressing effects of CBD and how it can be beneficial for you.

How Does Appetite Works?

Hunger is controlled by the brain and it lets you know when you need to eat. When a person has intense cravings for a specific food, he/she might have a deficiency in a particular nutrient present in that food.

Even though the terms hunger and appetite are used interchangeably, they are not the same. The term appetite is used for referring to “wanting to eat” and it controls different factors like how much you eat, what you like to eat, and when you eat. Appetite is also similar to hunger and it is controlled by your brain.

Your body will release certain chemicals to react with the neurotransmitters present in the brain to tell you when you are hungry and what you want to eat. Additionally, the endocannabinoid system in your body is also responsible for regulating appetite, as it is responsible for releasing certain neurotransmitters.

The Endocannabinoid System And Appetite

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is an important system in the body that CBD is found to interact with. It regulates a lot of important functions in the body including mood, appetite, memory, and pain sensation.

ECS can have a great role in regulating food intake. This system sends signals to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain responsible for regulating the intake of food, when you are hungry.

By interacting with the ECS, CBD can have a regulatory effect on the release of certain neurotransmitters that are responsible for inducing appetite. This ability of CBD can help to control overeating which in turn can be beneficial for reducing weight and obesity.

Even athletes are now using CBD for suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. As this compound is natural, it won’t lead to the side effects caused by other supplements that are commonly used for promoting weight loss.

Hence, CBD is now becoming a great hope in the treatment of obesity and overweight in people and various other health issues resulting from them.