Stress Relief CBD Oil

How Does Hemp Cultivation Benefit The Environment?

Hemp Cultivation

Hemp is a profitable crop whose value has increased substantially after the laws that legalized hemp-derived CBD came into effect. As of now, the hemp crop has applications in medicine, textile and construction industries, and the food industry. Hemp was traditionally cultivated for its seeds that are used as food supplements and for its fiber used in the textile industry and for many other industrial purposes. With the growing popularity of CBD, a cannabis compound, hemp cultivation progressed to the next level. In addition to the direct benefits to the cultivators in the form of fiber, seeds, and cannabinoid-rich extract, hemp cultivation offers various benefits to the environment as well. In this article, we focus on the environmental benefits of hemp plants.

Improves Soil Quality 

The quality of soil is determined by its content. Soil may contain harmful contaminants that can be converted to harmless form or eliminated by hemp through a process called phytoremediation. Hemp isn’t the only plant that has this property but it is can quite effectively carry out the process. Some plants collect the pollutants in the soil and expel them into the air while hemp holds the pollutants until it dies. Growing hemp in soils highly polluted with chemicals and metal toxins is a good method that can remove the pollutants from the soil.

Improves Soil Stability 

Hemp grows to a height of about 5 meters and its roots run to a depth of about 1 foot. The extensive root system of hemp helps hold the soil together, improving its stability and preventing erosion.

Minimizes The Dependence On Fertilizers And Pesticides 

Hemp is naturally resistant to pests and its cultivation requires little or no pesticides. The plant also can thrive in a variety of environments, eliminating the need for fertilizers. Lowered use of pesticides and fertilizers reduces soil pollution and water pollution.

Checks The Growth Of Weeds 

Its fast growth rate and thick foliage make hemp a suitable cover crop that can be used to control the growth of weeds in farmlands. Hemp can outgrow almost all types of weeds. Hemp farms do not require herbicides and avoiding the use of the herbicide has a positive impact on the environment.

Hemp is a drought-resistant crop that can thrive even in dry conditions. Not much water is required for its cultivation. Thus, in addition to being the source of the therapeutic CBD, hemp is also beneficial for the environment. What more could anybody ask for?