Stress Relief CBD Oil

How To Properly Use CBD Shatter?

CBD Concentrate

There are many types of CBD products available in the market and out of them CBD concentrates are the most confusing and mysterious ones. CBD concentrate is a refined product that contains pure CBD, and just that. However, you can also have CBD concentrate in other forms, and one such form is CBD shatter. The technique of dabbing makes use of CBD shatter. If you are new to the terms shatter and dabbing, do not worry, this post will help you know more about them.

CBD Shatter 

It is a CBD isolate product, meaning that it only consists of CBD. CBD shatter is hard, brittle, and easily shatters and hence the name. Although it is similar to CBD wax you can easily tell the difference while handling it. CBD shatter has the same potency when compared to other isolate CBD products.

Using CBD Shatter 

There are many who think that CBD shatter can be infused into butter and used for cooking. However, heating the shatter to melt it, can damage the cannabinoids in the shatter and make them less effective. If you are planning to cook with CBD, it is better to get powder, crystal, or isolate tincture forms of CBD.

To date, dabbing is the best way in which one can consume CBD shatter. This technique falls under the category of smoking as it involves vaporizing the shatter. In dabbing, you add a small quantity of the CBD shatter to a hot nail and then inhale the vapors. You will need a dab rig to get started. Using a dab rig will ensure that you can safely enjoy the experience.

CBD shatter is usually available in a 1 gram tub. If you are wondering why it is so, then it is because a very small amount of CBD shatter is what you are going to need every time you are dabbing. Keep in mind that you are inhaling highly potent CBD at around 90% potency. After heating the nail of the dab rig, scoop out a very small amount of shatter and drop it to the heated nail. The shatter will instantly vaporize and you can inhale the cloud of vapor to get the effects of CBD.

You can also use some type of vape pens and vaporizers to use CBD shatter. However, you need to buy a pen or vaporizer that is exclusively designed for concentrate CBD products. Indeed, vaping CBD has its share of benefits. Nonetheless, it is worth trying this technique as well, especially if you aren’t a huge fan of the taste of CBD oil.